Reflections on the Korea Foundation Project “Japan and Korea in the Evolving China-US Relations”
Reflections on the Korea Foundation Project “Japan and Korea in the Evolving China-US Relations” Hostility remains a persistent feature of Japan-South Korea relations. Trade restrictions, territorial disputes, unreconciled historical issues continue to confound the two neighbouring countries, with the prospect of a sustainable bilateral relations appears to become more unthinkable compared to the prior decades.…
Read MoreA Combustible Year for Sino-US Relations
A Combustible Year for Sino-US Relations Since the turn of the new millennium the liberal international order has been under increasing amount of stress due, in large part, to the inexorable rise of China and profound changes in the global economy. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic further exacerbated the already precarious situation, leading some pundits to…
Read MoreASEAN’s Response to COVID-19: Geopolitical Implications for the Indo-Pacific
ASEAN’s Response to COVID-19: Geopolitical Implications for the Indo-Pacific The emergence of COVID-19 pandemic would have been a great opportunity for the world to work together. Like the advocates for international cooperation in countering non-traditional security issues, such as climate changes, transnational crimes, natural disaster, and international terrorism, many policy-makers have discussed the importance and…
Read MoreRising to the challenge of COVID-19: The role South Korea and new actors
Rising to the challenge of COVID-19: The role South Korea and new actors In the current strategic operating environment, the liberal international order faces the challenges of US abdication of leadership and increasing contestation between the US and the other great powers, China and Russia. Furthermore, non-traditional security (NTS) issues such as COVID-19, pose major…
Read MoreWhat COVID-19 Reveals: The Risk of China-Centered Global Supply Chains and the Acceleration of Tech Wars in AI
If there is one thing that cannot be restored due to the COVID-19 outbreak, what would it be? One plausible answer would be the China-centered global supply chain. Since its entry to the WTO and the global trading system in 2001, China has played an indispensable role as the world’s manufacturing powerhouse.
Read MoreIndia’s Smart Cities Mission: Smart or Not?
If the leaders of all Asian nations want their country and people to develop in harmony, then they should cooperate with NGOs by opening permanent and transparent platform for constructive dialogue, whether on social-economic or political issues.
Read MoreTaiwan’s NGO policy: Lessons for Asia
If the leaders of all Asian nations want their country and people to develop in harmony, then they should cooperate with NGOs by opening permanent and transparent platform for constructive dialogue, whether on social-economic or political issues.
Read MoreA Plea To All
August 6th may be just other day of the year to you, but to some of us, it is the day that reminds us about the horrors of World War II.
Read MoreWho’s the Real Threat to Japan?
Who’s the Real Threat to Japan? The recent agreement on the planned national security legislation between the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and its coalition partner, Komeito, is hardly a cause for celebration. While the latter convinced the former to include a “break” mechanism that would require Diet’s approval before allowing SDF dispatch, it hardly…
Read MoreIs Kazakhstan’s Nazarbayev the Lee Kwan Yew of Central Asia?
Is Kazakhstan’s Nazarbayev the Lee Kwan Yew of Central Asia? When Singapore was expelled from Malaysia in 1965, the prospects for the newly-orphaned country were not positive. Weak, lacking resources, deeply divided along racial fault lines and surrounded by hostile neighbors, during his 25-year rule Lee Kwan Yew was nonetheless able to transform the small…
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