Posts Tagged ‘featured’

Taiwan’s NGO policy: Lessons for Asia

If the leaders of all Asian nations want their country and people to develop in harmony, then they should cooperate with NGOs by opening permanent and transparent platform for constructive dialogue, whether on social-economic or political issues.

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Is Kazakhstan’s Nazarbayev the Lee Kwan Yew of Central Asia?

Is Kazakhstan’s Nazarbayev the Lee Kwan Yew of Central Asia? When Singapore was expelled from Malaysia in 1965, the prospects for the newly-orphaned country were not positive. Weak, lacking resources, deeply divided along racial fault lines and surrounded by hostile neighbors, during his 25-year rule Lee Kwan Yew was nonetheless able to transform the small…

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“Internationalization” of National Universities in Japan: Critical Reflections

In Japan, where the unspoken social rules are predominant in workplaces as well as in society, foreigners generally find it difficult to thrive. On the other hand, the Japanese student’s development of his or her individuality needs to be encouraged and fostered also. The Japanese government and the national universities have realized that, and Japan is presently in the phase of a major transformation in its education sector.

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Law, Conflict and Airspace: Understanding Air Defense Identification Zones

With states drawing up unilaterally declared defense identification zones that can extended for hundreds of miles beyond territorial airspace, alongside growing fears that these zones will harden into claims of full sovereignty, a once benign security practice has rapidly evolved into a source of conflict over East Asia’s contested skies.

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